A9. Is NETWORKING essential to succeed?

There is another huge MAGIC word –called networking.

No matter what trade or Subject, key is said to be networking. It can be physical or social.
Social networking is said to be influencing our lives so dramatically.

While most will say yes, Author’s opinion to this is NO


I have very limited circle of networking friends- probably on a headcount of single digit only. Leave aside prospects even the 100,000s customers I have serviced, more than 90% of them I have not seen them even. The profile of customers ranges from ministers to gangsters, Celebrities to people on the street, Chaprasi (Peon) to chairman of large corporate groups. Majority of customer’s office I have not visited even.
I have hardly attended any networking meetings.
Has not attending networking meetings made me failure?

What do we generally do in networking?
1. Meet couple of new people who may be of help to expand our business as a customer or supplier.
2. See some successful people and listen their examples and think we will follow them or be like them.
3. Take name cards as many as possible thinking we may be in touch with them
4. Listen stories, illustrations and dream in hope that we may do same magic.
5. And last but not the least-hey it has free refreshments
5. Get one more certificate. Impress our peers –that look we have done it.
We spend a good chunk of time and money for what could have been available easily in libraries or internet.
People joins clubs and forums and focus interest groups but probably in about 5 visits their interest changes.

In fact one of good example can be Mr. PAL himself who has almost attended 100s of such networking with paid and unpaid and spend over $100,000 to learn new and various skills.
Now I must say his pet word-WOW.
What a passion to learn
But what that learning has ended up?
Despite trying to teach others how to succeed he is yet to learn- how to succeed.
He teach the ways how to make others millionaire-while he himself is still not one.
Despite knowing and teaching others –all sort of techniques –for helping people to succeed.
He still need help to succeed

The reason is pretty simple: 
If ideas could have made world different- there are millions of ideas in millions of great books in National Library.
Almost every night we dream something new and it could have a wonderful idea.
Its not only idea itself but successful execution of a good idea which makes the difference.
Can any one learn or earn a degree of Doctor- without going to medical college- Despite all same books are available in market or library.
Can u learn swimming without going to pool by just reading books/guides or even attending swimming classes but never practice?
Leave aside practice-even they don’t step into water. Then how can anyone learn swimming?


While Some skills can be read and mastered from books; Some can’t and they need good practice or in fact rather practiced under a competent person.

Making Million is ONE of such skill which needs to be practice, practice and nothing but practice

Most of networking sessions fails one basic thing - to step in pool –so you can learn it.

However they teach so many things that you shall or must do it or do that and end up in one more chargeable meeting.
Or explain that someone has done it or done that

A good illustration at this point can be
            There were 4 friends in village, decided to go to city to make money. On the way it was late evening and they were bit drunk and there was a river. Luckily they found some boat. They were very happy and jumped into it. Each one of them rowed the boat turn by turn very dedicated in hope to reach city-where they can make better earnings like others.
`           When sunrise, they thought to check-how far city could be still?
One checked- hey it seems we are at same place,
            2nd said-u seems drunk, how can it be-let me check
 But when he checked-ya man-we are still in our village.
            3rd one said-you both are mad-let me check
He checked-how come we are still in same place.
            4th one said-you are all total nuts-let me check
He checked-damn-how come we are back-did we travel back wrongly.
Naturally, being human they will check WHY?
After looking around for reason they found-The boat was still fastened to the shore with a rope.
            They forgot to untie it.
So no matter how hard or fast they sailed, they were still at same place.

This is probably the sad story of most of networking sessions. Which sails hard, rather overnight but somehow most of attendee are at same place where they started.

Has anyone of you unfastened the rope(starting) even-so that you can sail towards city(Success)?

When we are hungry; Our hunger will not satisfy by saying, listening, thinking or even dreaming burger, burger, and burger. Hunger will only satisfy only when we eat burger.

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